Scorecard Marketing
Generate High Quality Leads
Scorecard marketing is a powerful lead generation technique that delivers real value to your potential customers
Publish Engaging Quizzes on Your Facebook Page
Instantly collect social feedback to better understand your fans and your customers. Analyze quiz results through comprehensive dashboards and graphs.

Knowledge Quiz

A knowledge quiz is made of questions with right and wrong answers. Test your tennis knowledge with this simple 5-question demo quiz. It can also be embedded on an external webpage.
Name That Food Quiz

Another fun knowledge quiz. Participants can leave an email address to receive their score in their inbox.
Personality Quiz

A Personality quiz has different outcomes depending on the participant’s answers. Find out which movie couple you are through a series of 8 questions. Personality quizzes are only available for Premium subscribers.
Giveaway Contest

In this simple contest, participants fill-in a form to be eligible for a draw.
Photo Contest

This quiz showcases different types of questions you can use to survey your audience.
Photo Voting

This is a simple and fun contest where users vote for their favorite cat.
Simple One-Question

This multiple-choice question asks participants to choose their favorite movie from a list.
Market Research Survey

This quiz showcases different types of questions you can use to survey your audience.
Comments Voting

Write a post on your Page timeline asking your followers a question. Participants vote in the comments by typing in one of the listed options. The app helps you compile the results.
Scorecard MarketingPowerful Lead Generation
$280month Valued at $560
Knowledge Quiz
Name That Food Quiz
Personality Quiz
Giveaway Contest
Photo Contest
Photo Voting
Simple One-Question
Market Research Survey
Comments Voting
Result Analysis
Boost Post
Unlimited Polls, Contest and Quizzes
Unlimited Participants
Get Scorecard Marketing at 50% Off Special Savings

Everything in business is downstream from lead generation. If you can’t capture the attention of customers, investors, partnerships and potential talent and generate a signal of interest, then it doesn’t matter how great your offer is. If the leads dry up, the sales stop flowing and the best salespeople leave. Then the revenue starts dropping and the investors want out. Growth stops, the fun stops and the business comes crashing down
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